不列颠哥伦比亚省心理健康和成瘾部长投资 1.17 亿加元用于提高康复和治疗中心的护理质量。 British Columbia's Mental Health and Addictions Minister invests $117m to improve care quality at recovery and treatment centres.
不列颠哥伦比亚省精神健康和成瘾部长宣布投资 1.17 亿加元,用于提高现有康复和治疗中心的护理质量。 British Columbia's Mental Health and Addictions Minister has announced a $117 million investment to improve the quality of care at existing recovery and treatment centres. 这笔资金将使护理提供者能够雇用更多员工,进一步培训现有员工,并管理不断增加的运营成本。 This funding will enable care providers to hire additional staff, further train existing staff, and manage increasing operational costs. 部长预计这些变化将对客户产生积极影响,从而带来更好的整体体验。 The minister expects these changes to positively impact clients, resulting in a better overall experience.