22 岁嫌疑人携带 BB 枪和刀,被 Owen Sound 警方逮捕,并使用他废弃的自行车进行追捕。 22-year-old suspect with BB gun and knife arrested by Owen Sound police using his abandoned bike for chase.
欧文桑德警方在接到可疑男子携带枪支的报告后,使用嫌疑人遗弃的自行车追捕他。 Owen Sound police used a suspect's abandoned bike to chase and arrest him after receiving a report of a suspicious man with a firearm. 该男子丢弃了自行车并试图跳过栅栏,但一名警察抓住机会骑上自行车并在附近的停车场抓获了嫌疑人。 The man discarded his bike and attempted to jump over fences, but an officer seized the opportunity to ride the bike and catch the suspect in a nearby parking lot. 这名 22 岁的男子被发现拥有一把逼真的 BB 枪和一把猎刀。 The 22-year-old was found in possession of a realistic-looking BB gun and a hunting knife.