3月3日,一名老人在墨尔本购物中心停车场被拍到破坏汽车的视频。 Elderly man caught on video vandalizing car in Melbourne shopping center carpark on March 3.
3 月 3 日,视频拍到一名拄着拐杖的老人在 Bundoora 的 DFO Uni Hill 繁忙的墨尔本购物中心停车场用钥匙敲打汽车。 An elderly man with a walking stick was caught on video keying a car in a busy Melbourne shopping centre carpark at DFO Uni Hill, Bundoora on March 3. 车主在澳大利亚行车记录仪车主网站上分享了这段视频,请求公众帮助识别肇事者。 The car's owner shared the video on Dash Cam Owners Australia, making a plea to the public for help in identifying the perpetrator. 一些用户推测这辆车可能停在残疾人专用停车位,这可能导致攻击者认为车主更需要它。 Some users speculated that the car may have been parked in a disability spot, potentially leading the attacker to believe the owner needed it more.