澳大利亚联邦银行首席执行官马特·科明 (Matt Comyn) 再次呼吁对苹果在澳大利亚支付市场的主导地位进行审查。 Commonwealth Bank of Australia CEO Matt Comyn renews call for scrutiny of Apple's dominance in Australia's payments market.
澳大利亚联邦银行首席执行官马特·科明 (Matt Comyn) 在悉尼会议上再次对苹果在澳大利亚支付市场的主导地位发出警告。 Commonwealth Bank of Australia CEO, Matt Comyn, renewed his warning on Apple's dominance in the nation's payments market during a Sydney conference. 科明呼吁加强对苹果的审查,并此前曾主张加强市场竞争。 Comyn called for increased scrutiny of Apple and has previously advocated for more competition in the market. 苹果与国内银行合作并与之竞争,拒绝使用其 iPhone 上的 NFC 芯片,要求银行依赖 Apple Pay 进行支付。 Apple, which partners with and competes against domestic banks, denies access to the NFC chip on its iPhones, requiring banks to rely on Apple Pay for payments.