埃森哲罗马尼亚公司计划到 2024 年 8 月招募 1,000 名员工,将员工人数扩大到 5,000 多人。 Accenture Romania plans to recruit 1,000 by August 2024, expanding workforce to over 5,000.
埃森哲罗马尼亚公司是这家爱尔兰裔美国跨国公司的子公司,计划到 2024 年 8 月招聘 1,000 名员工,员工总数将超过 5,000 人。 Accenture Romania, a subsidiary of the global Irish-American firm, plans to recruit 1,000 people by August 2024, reaching a workforce of over 5,000. 该公司专注于管理咨询、技术和外包服务,旨在投资罗马尼亚的人才库并支持其经济。 The company specializes in management consulting, technology, and outsourcing services, aiming to invest in Romania's talent pool and support its economy. 此举可能会增加罗马尼亚技术和咨询行业的就业机会。 This move could boost job opportunities in technology and consulting sectors in Romania.