巴黎毕加索博物馆重新开放,展出了 400 件经过改造的作品,其中包括向前合作伙伴弗朗索瓦·吉洛致敬的作品。 Paris Picasso Museum reopens with revamped 400-work display, including a tribute to ex-partner Françoise Gilot.
巴黎毕加索博物馆重新开放,展出了 400 件经过改造的作品,其中包括向他的前伴侣、著名画家弗朗索瓦丝·吉洛致敬的作品。 The Paris Picasso Museum has reopened with a revamped display of 400 works, including a tribute to his ex-partner, renowned painter Françoise Gilot. 新的永久收藏展示了毕加索作品的关键时期,从蓝色、粉色、立体主义到超现实主义、拼贴画和陶瓷。 The new permanent collection presents key periods of Picasso's work, from blue, pink, and cubist to surrealist, collage, and ceramics. 一间房间是专门为吉洛特准备的,他是毕加索十年的伴侣,并与他育有两个孩子。 A room is dedicated to Gilot, who was Picasso's partner for a decade and had two children with him. 博物馆馆长塞西尔·德布雷 (Cecile Debray) 将博物馆的重新装修描述为“他的回归”。 The rehanging of the museum is described as "his return home" by Cecile Debray, the museum's director.