拟在纽卡斯尔乔治敦建造 27 栋价值 100 万美元的联排别墅;向纽卡斯尔市议会提交申请。 27 $1m townhouses proposed in Georgetown, Newcastle; application submitted to Newcastle City Council.
开发商提议在乔治城建造 27 栋价值 100 万美元的联排别墅;向纽卡斯尔市议会提交申请。 Developer proposes 27 $1m townhouses in Georgetown; application lodged with Newcastle City Council. 斯特灵地产集团 (Stirling Property Group) 提交了一份 1000 万美元的申请,以细分奥斯汀街 12,000 平方米的土地。 Stirling Property Group submitted a $10m application to subdivide a 12,000sqm site on Austin Street. 三居室、两层联排别墅面积为 222 至 383 平方米,预计每栋售价 100 万美元。 Three-bedroom, two-storey townhouses, with lots ranging from 222-383sqm, are expected to fetch $1m each. 尽管比邮政编码区的平均房价高出 27.5 万美元,但规划文件认为,新的中心位置将吸引更高的价格。 Despite being over $275k more than the postcode's mean house value, planning documents argue the new, central location will attract higher prices.