纽卡斯尔正在调查在市属铁路桥排地段建造经济适用房的潜力。 Newcastle investigates potential for affordable housing on city-owned Rail Bridge Row site.
纽卡斯尔正在调查在亨特街一处市属地块上建造经济适用住房的潜力。 Newcastle investigates potential for affordable housing on a city-owned site in Hunter Street. 这块地块名为“铁路桥排”,地理位置十分优越,是集零售、经济适用房和商业等用途于一体的综合开发项目的讨论焦点。 The strategically positioned parcel, known as Rail Bridge Row, is central to the discussions for a mixed-use development with retail, affordable housing, and commercial uses. 纽卡斯尔市长 Nuatali Nelmes 表示,增加经济适用住房的供应是首要任务,旨在缓解数千名诺瓦卡斯尔居民的住房压力。 Newcastle Lord Mayor, Nuatali Nelmes, states that increasing the supply of affordable housing is a key priority, aiming to ease housing stress for thousands of Novocastrians.