1. 内部人士 Suvan de Soysa 于 3 月 6 日购买了 Navigator Global Investments Limited 的 65,689 股股票。 1. Insider Suvan de Soysa purchased 65,689 shares of Navigator Global Investments Limited on March 6th.
内部人士 Suvan de Soysa 于 3 月 6 日以 96,168.70 澳元(62,447.21 美元)的价格购买了 Navigator Global Investments Limited (ASX:NGI) 的 65,689 股,此前 1 月 3 日交易了 59,311 股。 Insider Suvan de Soysa purchased 65,689 shares of Navigator Global Investments Limited (ASX:NGI) on March 6th for A$96,168.70 ($62,447.21), following a January 3rd transaction of 59,311 shares. 该公司的债务股本比率为9.01,流动比率为0.63,速动比率为1.10。 The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 9.01, a current ratio of 0.63, and a quick ratio of 1.10. HFA Holdings Limited 是一家澳大利亚基金管理公司,是 Navigator Global Investments 的母公司。 HFA Holdings Limited, an Australian fund management company, is the parent company of Navigator Global Investments.