几家大公司在本周披露了大宗股票交易和几家英国公司的股权。 Several major firms disclosed significant stock transactions and stakes in various UK companies this week.
Shore Capital公开披露了涉及Brown(N)集团的股票交易情况,2025年1月3日共有6 335股股票。 Shore Capital made a public disclosure of stock transactions involving Brown (N) Group, totaling 6,335 shares on Jan 3, 2025. 多面基金顾问披露了Hargreaves Lansdown的1.13%股份,包括500多万股,还有一些销售和转帐。 Dimensional Fund Advisors disclosed a 1.13% stake in Hargreaves Lansdown, consisting of over 5 million shares, with some sales and transfers. Man Group披露了Spirent通信公司1.73%的股权,包括最近的购买和衍生产品交易。 Man Group disclosed a 1.73% stake in Spirent Communications, including recent purchases and derivative transactions. 汇丰银行代表客户披露了学习技术集团的交易,主要是销售和衍生交易。 HSBC disclosed dealings in Learning Technologies Group on behalf of its client, primarily sales and derivative transactions. 木星基金管理层披露了直接线保险集团14.8%的股份,涉及股票销售和衍生产品交易。 Jupiter Fund Management disclosed a 14.8% stake in Direct Line Insurance Group, involving sales of shares and derivative transactions.