不列颠哥伦比亚省伯纳比的帕克兰炼油厂在关闭后恢复运营。 Parkland fuel refinery in Burnaby, B.C., resumes operations after a shutdown.
位于不列颠哥伦比亚省伯纳比的帕克兰炼油厂因“意外问题”而关闭七周后,将恢复运营。 The Parkland fuel refinery in Burnaby, B.C., will resume operations after a seven-week shutdown due to an "unplanned issue". 该炼油厂定于周日重新启动,其中一个重要步骤是打开供热系统的主鼓风机,这可能会产生一段时期的火焰燃烧、气味、噪音和烟雾。 The refinery is set to restart on Sunday with an essential step of turning on the main air blower for the heat system, which may produce periods of elevated flaring, odours, noise, and smoke. 一旦投入运营,帕克兰将向炼油厂供应原油,并与社区和监管机构密切合作,在重启过程中进行持续、独立的空气监测。 Once operational, Parkland will feed crude oil into the refinery and work closely with the community and regulatory bodies, with continuous, independent air monitoring during the restart process.