FIA 传唤 PTI 领导人古尔扎尔,指控 CM Punjab 参与杀害 PTI 工人。 FIA summons PTI leader Gulzar over allegations of CM Punjab's involvement in killing of PTI worker.
巴基斯坦联邦调查局 (FIA) 传唤 PTI 领导人 Shandana Gulzar,指控她对旁遮普省首席部长 Maryam Nawaz 提出指控。 Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has summoned PTI leader Shandana Gulzar over allegations she made against Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz. 古尔扎尔声称,CM Punjab 参与了杀害 PTI 工人 Zille Shah 的事件,PTI 领导层此前曾指责当时的 PML-N 政府。 Gulzar claimed that CM Punjab was involved in the killing of PTI worker Zille Shah, which the PTI leadership had previously accused the then PML-N government of. 旁遮普邦信息部长阿兹玛·博卡里表示,古尔扎尔必须在法庭上证明她的指控。 Punjab Information Minister Azma Bokhari stated that Gulzar must prove her allegations in court.