1 月份,加拿大报告商品贸易顺差 4.96 亿美元,进口额降至 2022 年 2 月以来的最低水平,为 61.8B。 In January, Canada reported a $496 million merchandise trade surplus with imports falling to their lowest since February 2022, at $61.8B.
根据加拿大统计局的数据,加拿大 1 月份商品贸易顺差为 4.96 亿加元,进口额降至 2022 年 2 月以来的最低水平。 Canada recorded a $496 million merchandise trade surplus in January as imports fell to their lowest level since February 2022, according to Statistics Canada. 12 月份贸易逆差修正为 8.63 亿美元后出现顺差。 The surplus came after a revised trade deficit of $863 million in December. 1 月份进口总额下降 3.8%,至 618 亿美元,其中消费品进口下降 7.1%,原因是医药产品进口下降 19.0%。 Total imports dropped 3.8% in January to $61.8 billion, with imports of consumer goods falling 7.1% due to a 19.0% decline in imports of pharmaceutical products.