由于其独特且高度敏感的性质,加拿大关闭了太平洋最北端的珊瑚礁洛菲利亚礁。 Canada closes northernmost Pacific Ocean coral reef, Lophelia Reef, due to its unique and highly sensitive nature.
加拿大已关闭太平洋上唯一已知的活珊瑚礁,禁止所有商业和休闲性海底接触捕鱼。 Canada has closed its only known live coral reef in the Pacific Ocean to all commercial and recreational bottom-contact fishing. 由于其独特且高度敏感的性质,加拿大渔业和海洋部关闭了位于不列颠哥伦比亚省海岸芬利森海峡的洛菲利亚礁。 Fisheries and Oceans Canada closed the Lophelia Reef, located in the Finlayson Channel of British Columbia's coast, due to its unique and highly sensitive nature. 该珊瑚礁于 2021 年被发现,是太平洋最北端的已知珊瑚礁,拥有独特的栖息地、丰富的生物多样性和生物量,对当地原住民具有文化意义。 The reef, discovered in 2021, is the most northern known coral reef in the Pacific Ocean and contains unique habitats, high biodiversity and biomass, with cultural significance to local First Nations.