加州立法者提出议会法案 2200,使 CalCare 成为单一付款人健康保险提供商,为所有居民(包括无证移民)提供免费医疗服务。 California legislators propose Assembly Bill 2200 to make CalCare the single-payer health coverage provider, offering free health care to all residents, including undocumented immigrants.
加州立法者提出议会法案 2200,使 CalCare 成为单一付款人健康保险提供商,为所有居民(包括无证移民)提供免费医疗服务。 California legislators propose Assembly Bill 2200 to make CalCare the single-payer health coverage provider, offering free health care to all residents, including undocumented immigrants. 该法案旨在取代私人健康保险,迫使老年人使用联邦医疗保险基金进入新系统。 The act aims to replace private health insurance, forcing seniors into the new system by using federal Medicare funds. 然而,CalCare 仍然需要额外的收入,其中可能包括增加税收。 However, CalCare would still require additional revenue, which may include increased taxes.