白宫承认监察办的报告:美国驻新加坡大使乔纳森·卡普兰因行为不当、未提交费用和关系紧张而面临内部问题。 White House acknowledges OIG report: US Ambassador to Singapore, Jonathan Kaplan, faced internal issues for poor conduct, unsubmitted expenses, and strained relationships.
白宫承认一份内部监督报告称,美国驻新加坡大使乔纳森·卡普兰(Jonathan Kaplan)威胁工作人员,未能按时提交48,000美元的差旅费,并与新加坡一些部委关系不佳。 The White House acknowledges an internal watchdog report stating that US Ambassador to Singapore, Jonathan Kaplan, threatened staff, failed to submit $48,000 in travel expenses on time, and had poor relations with some Singaporean ministries. 监察长办公室 (OIG) 发现卡普兰没有树立诚信榜样、没有战略性规划、没有协作或沟通。 The Office of Inspector General (OIG) found that Kaplan did not model integrity, plan strategically, collaborate, or communicate. 美国国务院正在评估卡普兰的领导和管理能力,必要时将采取纠正措施。 The State Department is assessing Kaplan's leadership and management, with corrective action to be taken if necessary.