加拿大审计长称,与 ArriveCan 应用程序争议相关的公司获得了超过 1 亿美元的联邦合同。 Companies linked to ArriveCan app controversy received over $100M in federal contracts: Canada's comptroller general.
加拿大审计长称,与 ArriveCan 争议相关的公司获得了超过 1 亿美元的联邦合同。 Companies linked to ArriveCan controversy received over $100M in federal contracts: Canada's comptroller general. 自 2011 年以来,GC Strategies 及其前身 Coredal 获得了 118 份合同,价值超过 1.07 亿美元。 GC Strategies and its predecessor Coredal received 118 contracts worth over $107M since 2011. 加拿大联邦采购部门已暂停 GC Strategies 的安全状态,阻止该公司参与所有有安全要求的联邦采购。 Canada's federal procurement department has suspended the security status of GC Strategies, preventing the company from participating in all federal procurements with security requirements. 此前曾决定暂停该公司参与部门内的采购流程。 This follows an earlier decision to suspend the company from procurement processes within the department. ArriveCan 应用程序面临审查,审计长最近发现其开发是一个重大失败。 The ArriveCan app has faced scrutiny, with the auditor general recently finding its development was a major failure.