总理纳伦德拉·莫迪中断了奥里萨邦的演讲,承诺给孩子们写信,赠送图片作为礼物。 Prime Minister Narendra Modi interrupts speech in Odisha, promises to write letters to children presenting pictures as gifts.
总理纳伦德拉·莫迪在看到孩子们举起照片作为礼物时中断了在奥里萨邦的演讲。 Prime Minister Narendra Modi interrupted his speech in Odisha upon seeing children raising pictures as gifts. 他让孩子们把地址写在背面,并答应给他们写信。 He asked the children to write their addresses on the back and promised to write letters to them. SPG 突击队收集了莫迪在贾杰普尔集会上发表讲话期间孩子们的照片。 The SPG commandos collected the pictures from the kids during Modi's address at a rally in Jajpur. 莫迪后来在奥里萨邦启动了多个开发项目并为其奠定了基础。 Modi later inaugurated and laid the foundation stones of multiple development projects in Odisha.