纽约大学研究人员发现,氟化二胺银 (SDF) 在预防和阻止儿童蛀牙方面与牙科密封剂一样有效,可以增加获得牙科护理的机会并降低成本。 NYU researchers found that silver diamine fluoride (SDF) is as effective as dental sealants in preventing and halting tooth decay in children, providing increased access to dental care and reduced costs.
纽约大学牙科学院的研究人员发现,二胺氟化银 (SDF) 是一种低成本的防蛀液体,在预防和阻止儿童蛀牙方面与牙科密封剂一样有效。 NYU College of Dentistry researchers found that silver diamine fluoride (SDF), a low-cost cavity-fighting liquid, is as effective as dental sealants in preventing and halting tooth decay in children. 这项为期四年、涉及 4,000 多名小学生的研究表明,SDF 可以增加获得牙科护理的机会并降低成本。 The four-year study involving over 4,000 elementary school students showed that SDF can increase access to dental care and reduce costs. 蛀牙是儿童最常见的慢性疾病,会导致疼痛、缺课和学习成绩下降。 Dental cavities are the most common chronic disease in children and can lead to pain, school absences, and lower academic performance. 与密封剂相比,SDF 可以更快地预防和治疗蛀牙,且成本更低。 SDF can prevent and treat cavities faster and at a lower cost than sealants.