澳大利亚正在为可能在东南亚蔓延的块状皮肤病做好准备,这对畜牧业和出口构成威胁。 Australia prepares for potential lumpy skin disease spread in South-East Asia, a threat to livestock industries and exports.
澳大利亚对可能影响整个东南亚牛和水牛的块状皮肤病的传播保持高度警惕。 Australia is on high alert for the potential spread of lumpy skin disease, affecting cattle and buffalo, across South-East Asia. 由于澳大利亚尚未出现病例,当局正在开发一个模型来预测该疾病的潜在到来和传播并为其做好准备。 With no cases in Australia yet, authorities are developing a model to predict and prepare for the disease's potential arrival and spread. 这种病毒性疾病对人类没有威胁,如果被发现,可能会对国家畜牧业和出口造成严重后果。 The viral disease, not a threat to humans, could lead to significant consequences for the nation's livestock industries and exports if detected.