血清研究所计划增加印度宫颈癌免疫运动的 HPV 疫苗供应。 Serum Institute plans to increase HPV vaccine supply for India's cervical cancer immunization campaign.
印度血清研究所计划在政府针对宫颈癌开展大规模免疫运动之前增加 HPV 疫苗的供应。 Serum Institute of India plans to increase HPV vaccine supply ahead of the government's mass immunization campaign against cervical cancer. 首席执行官阿达尔·普纳瓦拉 (Adar Poonawalla) 预计,目前售价 2,000 卢比的疫苗将在年底前纳入政府计划。 CEO Adar Poonawalla expects the vaccine, currently available for 2,000 rupees, to be included in the government's program by year-end. 这是印度首个本土疫苗,针对的是人乳头瘤病毒,这是全球宫颈癌的主要原因。 The indigenous shot, India's first, targets the human papillomavirus, a leading cause of cervical cancer globally.