2 月份,UHL 医院有 143 名没有床位的患者和 150 名手推车上的患者,引发了过度拥挤的担忧。 143 patients without beds and 150 on trolleys at UHL causes overcrowding concerns in February.
利默里克大学医院 (UHL) 面临严重的人满为患问题,2 月份有 143 名患者没有床位,手推车上的 150 名患者创历史新高。 University Hospital Limerick (UHL) faces high levels of overcrowding, with 143 patients without beds and a record-high 150 people on trolleys in February. 工作人员和健康记者对这家陷入困境的医院的问题表示担忧,包括患者死亡和电车状况不佳。 Staff and health correspondents raise concerns about the troubled hospital's issues, including patient deaths and poor trolley situation. 医院人满为患,加上科克大学医院推车上载有 1,070 名患者,创下历史新高,这给爱尔兰医疗保健系统带来了更大的压力。 The hospital's overcrowding, along with Cork University Hospital's record-high 1,070 patients on trolleys, adds pressure on the Irish healthcare system.