博茨瓦纳需要更加努力地吸引和留住富有的外国人。 Botswana needs to work harder to attract and retain rich foreigners.
博茨瓦纳需要加大力度吸引和留住富有的外国人,因为其私有化计划陷入停滞,并且由于 BURS 征收低于目标,财政稳定受到威胁。 Botswana needs to enhance efforts in attracting and retaining wealthy foreigners, as its privatization plan is stalling and fiscal stability is threatened due to BURS collecting below target. 调查性新闻在健康的社会中发挥着至关重要的作用,但资金对于其持续发展至关重要。 Investigative journalism plays a crucial role in a healthy society, but funding is essential for its continuation. 订阅有助于维持这项重要的工作。 Subscriptions help sustain this vital work.