《盐湖城真正的主妇》明星希瑟·盖伊在承认使用 Ozempic 减肥后,因称身体积极性是一个“弥天大谎”而面临争议。 Real Housewives of Salt Lake City star Heather Gay faces controversy for calling body positivity a "big lie," after admitting to using Ozempic for weight loss.
《盐湖城的真正主妇》明星希瑟·盖伊在承认使用 Ozempic(一种 2 型糖尿病药物)来减肥后,称身体积极运动是“一个弥天大谎”,引发了争议。 Real Housewives of Salt Lake City star Heather Gay stirred controversy by calling the body positivity movement "a big lie" after admitting to using Ozempic, a type 2 diabetes medication, for weight loss. 盖伊后来澄清了自己的立场,表示她仍然支持女性的选择。 Gay later clarified her stance, stating that she still supports women's choices. 其他《真正的主妇》明星,如艾米丽·辛普森和多洛雷斯·卡塔尼亚,也分享了她们与 Ozempic 的经历。 Other Real Housewives stars, such as Emily Simpson and Dolores Catania, have also shared their experiences with Ozempic.