Oprah说减肥药物改变了她对饮食习惯的看法, 引发关于肥胖症的辩论。 Oprah says weight loss drugs changed her views on eating habits, sparking debate on obesity.
Oprah Winfrey在她的播客上分享说, 像Ozempic那样使用减肥药物改变了她对瘦人的看法, Oprah Winfrey shared on her podcast that using weight loss drugs like Ozempic changed her views on thin people, realizing they eat when hungry and stop when full. 媒体大张旗鼓也用体重和面对的耻辱来回应她过去的斗争,强调肥胖是一种疾病。 The media mogul also addressed her past struggles with weight and the stigma she faced, emphasizing that obesity is a disease. 她的评论引发了社会媒体的反弹, 批评者认为她的观点过于简化体重管理和污蔑肥胖症。 Her comments sparked backlash on social media, where critics argued her views oversimplify weight management and stigmatize obesity.