Nutri V 的蔬菜粉产品专为增加蔬菜摄入量而设计,在维多利亚州的 Coles 超市首次亮相。 Nutri V's vegetable powder product, designed for increased veggie intake, debuts at Coles supermarkets in Victoria.
Nutri V 旨在增加蔬菜摄入量的蔬菜粉产品现已在维多利亚州的 Coles 超市出售,并计划今年扩展到其他州。 Nutri V's vegetable powder product designed to increase veggie intake is now available at Coles supermarkets in Victoria, with plans to expand to other states this year. 该公司由 Fresh Select 和 CSIRO 于 2020 年成立,利用健康油的微胶囊和肠道健康发酵应用来提高营养成分。 Formed in 2020 by Fresh Select and CSIRO, the company utilizes microencapsulation of healthy oils and gut health fermentation applications for enhanced nutritional content. 该产品于 2022 年荣获 Hort Connections 环境与可持续发展奖。 The product won the Environment and Sustainability Award in 2022 at Hort Connections.