欧盟《数字市场法案》可能会指定埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的 X、TikTok 和 Booking.com 作为看门人,从 3 月 7 日起让它们受到限制和互操作性要求。 EU's Digital Markets Act may designate Elon Musk's X, TikTok, and Booking.com as gatekeepers, subjecting them to restrictions and interoperability requirements from March 7.
埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的 X 社交媒体平台、字节跳动 (ByteDance) 的 TikTok 和 Booking.com 可能会作为看门人受到欧盟《数字市场法案》(DMA) 的约束,从 3 月 7 日开始,它们可能会面临偏向自己的服务和应用程序互操作性要求的限制。 Elon Musk's X social media platform, ByteDance's TikTok, and Booking.com may be subject to the EU's Digital Markets Act (DMA) as gatekeepers, potentially facing restrictions on favoring their own services and requirements for app interoperability, starting March 7. DMA 的目标是每月活跃用户超过 4500 万、市值超过 750 亿欧元的公司。 The DMA targets companies with over 45 million monthly active users and a market capitalization of 75 billion euros. 欧盟委员会有 45 个工作日的时间来决定指定这些公司为看门人。 The European Commission has 45 working days to decide on designating these companies as gatekeepers.