尽管对针对美国法官的威胁进行了调查,但檀香山贿赂案的审判不会被推迟。 Honolulu bribery trial won’t be postponed despite an investigation into a threat against a US judge.
檀香山针对前高级检察官基思·金城 (Keith Kaneshiro) 的贿赂案审判涉及一家工程和建筑公司提供竞选捐款以换取起诉一名前雇员的指控,尽管对主审法官涉嫌威胁的调查仍在进行中,但该案不会被推迟。 Honolulu's bribery trial against former top prosecutor, Keith Kaneshiro, involving allegations of campaign donations from an engineering and architectural firm in exchange for prosecuting a former employee, will not be delayed despite ongoing investigations into alleged threats against the presiding judge. 包括金城郎在内的所有六名被告均表示不认罪。 All six defendants, including Kaneshiro, have pleaded not guilty. 审判将按计划进行,陪审团遴选将于 3 月 12 日开始。 The trial will proceed as scheduled, with jury selection starting on March 12.