11岁的Thomas Wong在骑自行车时被杀,一名男子因交通碰撞被捕。 11-year-old Thomas Wong was killed while biking, and a man was arrested for the traffic collision.
3月1日在爱丁堡骑自行车时, 一名11岁男孩Thomas Wong在与一辆宾车撞上身亡。 An 11-year-old boy, Thomas Wong, was killed in a collision with a bin lorry while riding his bike in Edinburgh on March 1st. 一名28岁的男子被逮捕,被指控犯有道路交通罪,并准备出庭。 A 28-year-old man has been arrested and charged with a road traffic offense and is set to appear in court. Thomas是Cramond小学的学生,他的家人和学校都怀念Thomas,认为他是社区中一个积极和受人珍视的成员。 Thomas, a student at Cramond Primary School, was remembered by his family and school as a positive and cherished member of the community.