美国陆军在阿拉斯加进行北极训练,为部队应对零度以下的作战条件做好准备。 US Army conducts Arctic training in Alaska, preparing troops for subzero combat conditions.
美国陆军在阿拉斯加进行北极训练,为部队在零度以下的气温下作战做好准备。 The US Army conducts Arctic training in Alaska, preparing troops to fight in subzero temperatures. 士兵们面临着充满挑战的条件,迫使他们创新和适应。 Soldiers face challenging conditions, forcing them to innovate and adapt. 这种独特的训练体验考验人的勇气,让士兵为应对敌对、不可预测的环境做好准备。 This unique training experience tests human mettle and prepares soldiers for hostile, unpredictable environments. 陆军太平洋司令部强调这些演习的重要性,这些演习与其他陆军训练不同。 The Army's Pacific Command emphasizes the importance of these exercises, which differ from other Army training.