Revelo 使用《美国新闻》排名来确定澳大利亚和新西兰顶尖的计算机科学大学。 Revelo uses US News rankings to identify top computer science universities in Australia-New Zealand.
Revelo 根据《美国新闻与世界报道》的排名对澳大利亚-新西兰顶尖计算机科学大学进行了排名,强调了计算机科学学位对于高科技职业和六位数工资的重要性。 Revelo ranked top computer science universities in Australia-New Zealand based on U.S. News and World Report's rankings, highlighting the importance of computer science degrees for high-tech careers and six-figure salaries. 虽然美国、中国和新加坡通常与顶级计算机科学教育联系在一起,但该名单强调了全球许多地区都存在受人尊敬的大学。 While the U.S., China, and Singapore are often associated with top-tier computer science education, the list emphasizes the presence of respected universities in numerous global regions.