NPCI International Payments Limited 与欧洲银行签署谅解备忘录,以加强使用 UPI 从希腊向印度汇款的跨境支付。 NPCI International Payments Limited and Eurobank sign MoU to enhance cross-border payments using UPI for remittances from Greece to India.
印度国家支付公司 (NPCI) 的子公司 NPCI 国际支付有限公司 (NIPL) 已与希腊银行欧洲银行签署了一份谅解备忘录 (MoU),以加强使用统一支付接口 (UPI) 平台的跨境支付。 NPCI International Payments Limited (NIPL), a subsidiary of India's National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Greek bank Eurobank to enhance cross-border payments using the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) platform. 该协议旨在彻底改变国际汇款,特别是简化从希腊到印度的汇款。 The agreement aims to revolutionize international money transfers, specifically streamlining remittances from Greece to India. 该谅解备忘录由 NIPL 首席执行官 Ritesh Shukla 和欧洲银行首席执行官 Fokion Karavias 在希腊驻新德里大使馆签署,希腊官员也在场。 The MoU was signed at the Embassy of Greece in New Delhi by Ritesh Shukla, CEO of NIPL, and Fokion Karavias, CEO of Eurobank, in the presence of Greek officials.