印度的数字支付系统UPI显示全球增长迅速,在10月处理166亿笔交易。 India's digital payment system, UPI, shows rapid global growth, processing 16.6 billion transactions in October.
印度储备银行报告说,统一付款接口(UPI)的国际化迅速取得进展,使印度成为数字技术促进金融变革的全球领先者。 The Reserve Bank of India reports rapid progress in the internationalization of the Unified Payments Interface (UPI), positioning India as a global leader in digital technology for financial change. 10月,UPI处理了166亿笔交易,即时借方回扣的成功率为86%,比去年的77%有所增加。 In October, UPI processed 16.6 billion transactions, with an 86% success rate for instant debit reversals, up from 77% last year. 这一增长凸显了印度在全球数字支付方面日益扩大的影响。 This growth highlights India's expanding influence in global digital payments.