美国总统乔·拜登希望以色列和哈马斯之间实现停火。 US President Joe Biden hopes for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.
美国总统乔·拜登表示希望以色列和哈马斯在下周一之前在加沙停火,以色列和哈马斯正在卡塔尔进行谈判。 US President Joe Biden has expressed hope for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in Gaza by next Monday, as negotiations are taking place between Israelis and Hamas in Qatar. 停火可能涉及释放哈马斯在饱受战争蹂躏的地区扣押的一些人质。 The ceasefire might involve the release of some hostages being held by Hamas in the war-torn region. 拜登发表此番言论之前,经过积极谈判,以色列官员初步同意暂停战斗六周,以换取释放约 40 名人质。 Biden's remarks follow active negotiations that resulted in Israeli officials tentatively agreeing to a six-week pause in fighting in exchange for the release of around 40 hostages.