经过六周的训练后,沙特-巴基斯坦联合军事训练在巴基斯坦木尔坦结束。 Joint Saudi-Pakistan military training concludes in Multan, Pakistan after a six-week program.
题为“沙特皇家陆军与巴基斯坦陆军在职训练”的联合军事训练闭幕式在巴基斯坦木尔坦举行,标志着1月15日至2月26日为期六周的训练计划结束,该训练计划旨在促进联合就业、互学互鉴,同时进一步巩固巴基斯坦和沙特阿拉伯之间长期的兄弟关系。 The closing ceremony of a joint military training titled "On Job Training of Royal Saudi Land Forces with Pakistan Army" took place in Multan, Pakistan, marking the end of a six-week-long training programme from 15 January to 26 February, aimed at fostering joint employment and benefiting from each other's experiences, while further consolidating longstanding fraternal relations between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. 训练包括常规和非常规行动,涉及空中和地面部队。 The training encompassed conventional and sub-conventional operations, involving air and ground forces.