巴基斯坦海军巴布尔号护卫舰在吉达与沙特阿拉伯利雅得号护卫舰举行联合海上演习。 Pakistan's PNS Babur conducts joint maritime exercise with Saudi Arabia's Al-Riyadh frigate in Jeddah.
巴基斯坦海军舰艇“巴布尔”号访问沙特吉达,与沙特“利雅得”号护卫舰举行联合演习,加强了两国海上合作。 Pakistan Navy Ship (PNS) Babur visited Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, for a joint exercise with Saudi Arabia's Al-Riyadh frigate, strengthening maritime cooperation between the two countries. 演习旨在促进相互合作,加强友好关系。 The exercise aimed to promote mutual cooperation and strengthen friendly relations. 抵达后,巴布尔号受到巴基斯坦外交官和沙特皇家海军官员的接见,并举行会议讨论共同关心的问题。 Upon arrival, PNS Babur was received by Pakistani diplomats and Royal Saudi Navy officials, and a meeting was held to discuss issues of mutual interest.