意大利维琴察暴雨导致美军学校关闭、道路封闭、火车因洪水停运。 Heavy rainfall in Vicenza, Italy led to US military school closures, road closures, and train suspensions due to flooding.
意大利维琴察暴雨引发洪水,导致该市美军设施内的所有国防部学校关闭。 Heavy rainfall in Vicenza, Italy caused flooding and led to the closure of all Defense Department schools at U.S. military installations in the city. 暴风雨带来了超过 4 英寸的降雨,导致道路封闭、交通延误和基地服务中断。 The storm dumped more than 4 inches of rain, causing road closures, traffic delays, and disruptions to base services. 民防部门将威尼托部分地区置于极端天气红色警报状态,其他地区则置于橙色警报状态。 The civil protection department placed parts of Veneto on red alert for extreme weather, with orange alerts for other areas. 由于洪水和泥石流的风险,米兰和威尼斯之间的火车服务仍然暂停。 Train services between Milan and Venice remained suspended due to the risk of flooding and mudslides.