阿塞拜疆将51个家庭从巴库迁至舒沙,这是正在进行的境内流离失所者重新安置工作的一部分。 Azerbaijan relocates 51 families from Baku to Shusha as part of ongoing IDP resettlement efforts.
根据伊利哈姆·阿利耶夫总统的指示,阿塞拜疆正在将境内流离失所者从临时住房迁移到重新开垦的领土。 Azerbaijan is relocating internally displaced persons (IDPs) from temporary housing to reclaimed territories, per President Ilham Aliyev's directives. 2024年12月23日,51个家庭(208人)从巴库的加拉达格区迁至舒沙,这个城市已经从亚美尼亚控制下解放出来。 On December 23, 2024, 51 families (208 individuals) moved from Baku's Garadag district to Shusha, a city liberated from Armenian control. 自回返方案开始以来,已有近30 000人在卡拉巴赫和东赞加祖尔地区重新定居,从事各种项目和地方机构的工作。 Since the return program began, nearly 30,000 people have resettled in the Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur regions, working on various projects and in local institutions.