114 岁的德克萨斯州妇女伊丽莎白·弗朗西斯 (Elizabeth Francis) 超越伊迪·切卡雷利 (Edie Ceccarelli),成为美国在世最年长的人。 114-year-old Texas woman, Elizabeth Francis, becomes the oldest living person in the US, surpassing Edie Ceccarelli.
据追踪人类寿命的组织 LongeviQuest 称,来自德克萨斯州的 114 岁妇女伊丽莎白·弗朗西斯 (Elizabeth Francis) 已成为美国最长寿的人。 A 114-year-old woman from Texas, Elizabeth Francis, has become the oldest living person in the United States, according to LongeviQuest, an organization that tracks human longevity. 她超过了此前在世最长寿的美国人埃迪·切卡雷利(Edie Ceccarelli),后者去世时享年 116 岁。 She surpasses the previous oldest living American, Edie Ceccarelli, who passed away at 116 years old. 出生于1909年的弗朗西斯将她的长寿归功于“上帝的美好祝福”。 Francis, who was born in 1909, attributes her longevity to "the good Lord's good blessing."