一名 26 岁男子在西雅图的一列轻轨列车上被枪杀,海湾运输公司计划加强可见的安全措施。 A 26-year-old man was fatally shot on a light rail train in Seattle, and Sound Transit plans to increase visible security.
一名 26 岁男子在西雅图先锋广场站和大学街站之间的轻轨列车上被枪杀,嫌疑人仍然在逃。 A 26-year-old man was fatally shot on a light rail train in Seattle between Pioneer Square and University Street stations, and the suspect remains at large. 这是今年迄今为止袭击报告发生率最高的一次,海湾运输局共收到 105 份报告。 This marks the highest rate of assault reports so far this year, with 105 reports received by Sound Transit. 大多数报告涉及对交通运营商的言语辱骂,另有近 50 起涉及人身攻击。 Most reports involved verbal abuse of transit operators, while nearly 50 were physical assaults. 为了应对最近发生的杀戮事件,海湾运输公司计划加强可见的安全措施。 In response to the recent killing, Sound Transit plans to increase visible security.