巴黎在阴暗的塞纳河上为奥运会游泳比赛屏住呼吸。 Paris holds its breath for Olympic swimming events in murky Seine.
巴黎奥运会组织者因决定在受污染的塞纳河举办公开水域游泳比赛而面临担忧。 Organizers of the Paris Olympics face concerns over their decision to hold open water swimming events in the polluted Seine River. 去年,马拉松游泳测试项目因水脏而被取消,为期两天的铁人三项和残疾人铁人三项测试的泳腿也被取消。 Last year, marathon swimming test events were canceled due to dirty water, and swimming legs were also canceled for two days of triathlon and para-triathlon tests. 该市坚称没有替代计划,球场经过埃菲尔铁塔和奥赛博物馆等标志性地标。 The city insists there is no alternative plan, with the course passing iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and Musee d'Orsay.