绿色和平组织在塔拉纳基和怀卡托提供免费的硝酸盐污染水测试,并使用“了解你的硝酸盐”地图来提高公众意识。 Greenpeace offers free water testing for nitrate contamination in Taranaki and Waikato, using "Know Your Nitrate" map for public awareness.
绿色和平组织在塔拉纳基和怀卡托地区提供免费的饮用水检测日,让家庭检查其饮用水是否受到硝酸盐污染,硝酸盐污染可能导致肠癌和早产等健康风险。 Greenpeace is offering free drop-in water testing days in Taranaki and Waikato regions for households to check their drinking water for nitrate contamination, which can cause health risks like bowel cancer and preterm birth. 该组织于 2023 年推出的“了解你的硝酸盐”地图,利用数据源公开饮用水硝酸盐数据,提高对潜在健康风险的认识。 The organization's "Know Your Nitrate" map, launched in 2023, uses data sources to make drinking water nitrate data publicly available, raising awareness of potential health risks.