研究警告Riverview农场的奶制品作业可能污染北达科他河和含水层。 Study warns Riverview Farms' dairy operation could pollute North Dakota rivers and aquifers.
水和环境技术的研究警告说,河景农场提议在北达科他州Abercrombie附近开展12 500头头奶制品作业,这可能严重威胁当地供水。 A study by Water and Environmental Technologies warns that Riverview Farms' proposed 12,500-head dairy operation near Abercrombie, North Dakota, could seriously threaten local water supplies. 主要水文学家David Erickson发现,来自乳制品环礁湖的硝酸盐、荷尔蒙和抗生素等污染物可能会污染红河、大水稻河和Wahpeton Buried河谷含水层。 Principal hydrologist David Erickson found that contaminants like nitrates, hormones, and antibiotics from dairy lagoons could pollute the Red River, Wild Rice River, and the Wahpeton Buried Valley Aquifer. 居民和社区团体对水质感到关切,要求召开公开会议审查调查结果。 Residents and community groups are concerned about water quality and have requested a public meeting to review the findings.