共和党众议员斯科特·佩里建议众议院共和党人因边境问题拒绝拜登的国情咨文邀请。 GOP Rep. Scott Perry suggests House Republicans deny Biden's State of the Union invite over border concerns.
共和党众议员斯科特·佩里建议众议院共和党人因对南部边境的处理不满而拒绝邀请拜登总统发表国情咨文。 GOP Rep. Scott Perry has suggested that House Republicans should deny an invitation to President Biden to deliver his State of the Union address due to displeasure with the handling of the southern border. 佩里表示,共和党人应该利用“每一个杠杆点”来帮助实现他们认为可以接受的立法,这包括阻止总统向国会发表年度演讲。 Perry stated that Republicans should use "every single point of leverage" to help bring about legislation they see as acceptable, and that this includes preventing the president from his annual address to Congress.