拜登总统开玩笑说,由于外界猜测加文·纽瑟姆 (Gavin Newsom) 将于 2024 年接替他,加州人纷纷逃往高铁。 President Biden joked about Californians fleeing to a high-speed rail amid speculation of Gavin Newsom replacing him in 2024.
拜登总统赞扬了加州州长。 President Biden praised California Gov. 加文·纽瑟姆 (Gavin Newsom) 开玩笑说,由于外界猜测纽瑟姆可能会取代拜登参加 2024 年总统竞选,加州人可能会逃往高铁线路。 Gavin Newsom and joked about Californians potentially fleeing to a high-speed rail line amid speculation that Newsom could replace Biden in the 2024 presidential race. 拜登在白宫举行的全国州长协会会议上发表了上述言论,同时还讨论了耗资 120 亿美元的拉斯维加斯至洛杉矶高铁系统。 Biden made the comments at the White House during a meeting of the National Governors Association, while also discussing the $12 billion Las Vegas-to-Los Angeles high-speed rail system.