拜登政府宣布了一项 1.7B 美元的一揽子计划,为 2030 年美国各地消除饥饿的举措提供资金,包括公众意识运动、营养指导和城市工作组。 The Biden administration announced a $1.7B package to fund hunger-ending initiatives across the US by 2030, including public awareness campaigns, nutrition coaching, and city task forces.
拜登政府宣布了一项 17 亿美元的一揽子计划,为旨在到 2030 年消除全美饥饿的举措提供资金。 The Biden administration has announced a $1.7 billion package to fund initiatives aimed at ending hunger across the US by 2030. 该承诺将用于资助全国 141 个项目。 The commitment will go towards funding 141 projects across the nation. 这些举措包括由哈林篮球队 (Harlem Globetrotters) 领导的全国公众意识运动、北卡罗来纳州的蓝十字蓝盾组织 (Blue Cross Blue Shield) 提供营养指导,以及 16 个城市成立工作组或制定行动计划,以在同一期限内消除饥饿和饮食相关疾病。 The initiatives include a national public awareness campaign led by the Harlem Globetrotters, Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina offering nutrition coaching, and 16 cities creating task forces or developing action plans to end hunger and diet-related diseases by the same deadline. 这些承诺是在 2022 年 9 月已承诺的 80 亿美元的基础上做出的。 These pledges are in addition to the $8 billion already committed in September 2022.