两名年龄分别为 33 岁和 28 岁的男子在牛津的一次袭击中受重伤,被送往医院治疗。 Two men, aged 33 and 28, were seriously injured in an assault in Oxford, leading to hospitalization.
两名年龄分别为 33 岁和 28 岁的男子在牛津的一次袭击中受重伤,被送往医院治疗。 Two men, aged 33 and 28, were seriously injured in an assault in Oxford, leading to hospitalization. 下午 6 点 05 分左右,警方接到报警来到利特莫尔的 College Lane,大量警力仍在该地区,侦探正在调查这起事件。 Police were called to College Lane, Littlemore, around 6.05pm, and a large police presence remains in the area as detectives investigate the incident. 道路已封闭,建议司机避开该地区。 Road closures are in place, and drivers are advised to avoid the area. 目前尚处于调查的早期阶段,具体情况尚不清楚。 It is in the early stages of investigation, with the exact circumstances unclear.