葡萄牙正式竞选活动开始。 Portugal's official election campaign begins.
葡萄牙的正式竞选活动将于 3 月 6 日开始,在社会党政府因兜售丑闻垮台后,民粹主义政党可能会在 3 月 10 日的立法投票中取得突破。 Portugal's official election campaign begins on 6 March, with the 10 March legislative vote likely to see a breakthrough by populist parties following the downfall of the Socialist government due to an influence peddling scandal. Chega党是一个反建制的右翼民粹主义政党,预计将获得15-20%的选票。 The Chega party, an anti-establishment and right-wing populist party, is expected to secure 15-20% of the vote. 这标志着欧洲政治可能右倾。 This marks a potential shift towards the right in European politics.