气候活动人士在女王公园与议员们就能源部门转型进行对话,其中包括“雪人说出来”艺术装置。 Climate activists dialogue with MPPs at Queen's Park about energy sector transformation, featuring a "Snow Persons Speak Out" art installation.
气候活动人士将在女王公园与 MPP 进行对话,以解决安大略省的能源部门转型问题。 Climate activists will engage in dialogue with MPPs at Queen's Park to address Ontario's energy sector transformation. 该活动由萨德伯里议员杰米·韦斯特 (Jamie West) 联合主办,其中包括由大萨德伯里公民气候游说团和“未来星期五”团体的青少年和成年人创作的名为“雪人说出来”的艺术装置。 The event, co-hosted by Sudbury MPP Jamie West, will feature an art installation titled "Snow Persons Speak Out" created by youth and adults from the Greater Sudbury Citizens' Climate Lobby and Fridays For Future group. 其他几个知名组织的代表也将出席。 Representatives from several other prominent organizations will be present.