瑞典约有 62,000 人与犯罪团伙有联系。 Sweden has around 62,000 persons linked to criminal gangs.
瑞典报告称,有 62,000 人与犯罪网络有关联,过去十年致命枪击事件增加了两倍。 Sweden reports 62,000 individuals linked to criminal networks, with deadly shootings tripled in the past decade. 2022 年,发生了 62 起致命枪击事件,瑞典的致命枪击事件比邻国加起来还要多九倍。 In 2022, there were 62 fatal shootings, and Sweden had nine times more deadly shootings than neighboring countries, combined. 警方表示,这些网络很容易发生暴力、恐吓证人以及渗透当局和政党等行为,构成威胁系统的风险。 Police say these networks pose a system-threatening risk with high propensity for violence, witness intimidation, and infiltration of authorities and political parties.